sábado, 16 de julio de 2016

The trolls on the ex-convent of Santo Domingo in Izúcar

Santo Domingo
Some time ago in the ex-convent of Santo Domingo de Guzman which was built since 1522 in the city center of Izúcar de Matamoros, one day on afternoon which is the time when the children attend at their classes of catechism inside rooms of temple, two kids turned away from their group for explore others places on the ex-convent that were prohibited for students, inspired by hearsay told by people who ensured that existed some hidden tunnels which could transport to others places from de city.
After many minutes, the catechist saw which some students wasn't in his class, so that began searching them. When the boys were localized in a room on the ex-convent, the children who were confused explained that they had been walking for halls until they find a gate which was seal with blocks.
The kids told that they had been listening strange noises which came from the other part the wall. They said that had heard little voices, laughs and music. After some minutes listening, the students asked "Anybody here?" "Who are you?” Then all voices and sounds stopped. After that, the boys decided to return with their classmates and told them all happened.
Over time, this happening has been transmitted from person to person and has induced the emergence of a legend about existence of elves or trolls living inside from ex convent, also there are some people who say that the temple of Santo Domingo has been moved by this creatures as one intent of run away in view of they had been discovered and which this is the reason that the edification is misaligned today.